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API Overview

  • System Info
    Provides limits, energy costs, and currency exchange rates.
    Endpoint: POST /system/info

  • Balance
    Retrieves the current account balance.
    Endpoint: POST /balance

  • Order Price
    Calculates total and daily prices for an energy order.
    Endpoint: POST /orders/calculate

  • Energy Usage
    Calculates the energy needed for a transfer between addresses.
    Endpoint: POST /transactions/estimate

  • Deposit Address
    Retrieves a deposit address for the account.
    Endpoint: GET /addresses/deposit

  • Create Order
    Creates a new energy order specifying recipient wallet, energy amount, and duration.
    Endpoint: POST /orders/create

  • List Orders
    Retrieves a list of orders with optional filters like status or date range.
    Endpoint: POST /orders/list

  • Get Order
    Fetches details of a specific order using its ID.
    Endpoint: POST /orders/get

  • Order Statuses
    List of order statuses and their lifecycle.